Thursday, September 12, 2019

Total Quality Management & its application in Coca-Cola Turkey. (How Essay

Total Quality Management & its application in Coca-Cola Turkey. (How critical is it in a rapidly developing world for the Coca-Cola Company's Turkey future to maintain Total Quality Management) - Essay Example CCI claims to be implementing TQM. Sufficient volume of literature was available on the subject of TQM, its principles and the tools to implement TQM. After review of the literature interviews were taken. The second chapter concentrates on TQM – history, principles, approach and application. Through the literature review it has been demonstrated that TQM is a process where responsibility has to be shared by all departments. Since the process of achieving TQM involves changes in the culture, there is a correlation between TQM principles and culture. The history of TQM has been discussed at length. It has been found that TQM is based on the human element in any organization and hence the principles would be the same in any country even though the culture and the behavioural patterns would differ. The definition of quality has been discussed and it has been established that TQM involves satisfaction of both the internal and the external customer. Attaining TQM also involves team work because all departments have to be in unison. To achieve TQM a quality system has to be developed and this requires understanding the needs of the customer. A proper system also enables the organizat ion to use its resources efficiently. Empowerment is the most important technique of TQM. To study the extent to which Coca-Cola’s applies the principles of TQM the methodology adopted was to examine its mission, vision, and values, which the company claims reflects in its actions. The third chapter deals with the research that was undertaken based on the assumption that a company of the magnitude of Coca-Cola could not be wrong in their claims. The study was focused on their unit in Turkey. Secondary data was collected through books, academic journal and internet articles and publications. Primary data was collected through interview of seven officials at their Turkey unit – CCI. Since there was nothing to be

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