Monday, September 30, 2019

Fundamentals of Marketing Essay

1.0. Course Description: The course is an introduction to the language and issues of marketing with an emphasis on learning to develop responsive marketing strategies that meet customer needs. The course focuses on basic marketing concepts, the role of marketing in the organization, and the role of marketing in society. Topics include market segmentation, product development, promotion, distribution, and pricing. Other topics, which will be incorporated into the course, are external environment (which will focus on integrative topics with marketing,  such as economics, politics, government, and nature), marketing research, international/global marketing with relevance to cultural diversity, ethics, the impact of technology on marketing, and careers in marketing. 1.1 Course Perspective: We all have many experiences with marketing from the viewpoint of the consumer. In this course, we will take the perspective of the marketing decision maker. I hope you will learn that there is much more to marketing than you might have expected. From the textbook, participation assignments/homework, and class discussions, you will learn about the decisions that marketers must make and tools/frameworks that will assist you in making those decisions effectively. By the end of the course, you should understand the complexity and challenges associated with making marketing decisions as well as ways to design effective marketing strategies. On the practical side, this new understanding of marketing should make each of you a more knowledgeable consumer. 1.2 Course Learning Goals and Objectives: Accordingly, the course emphasizes the following: To analyze the role of marketing within the firm and society. To expose you to the two parts of a marketing strategy: the target market and the marketing mix. To study the four basic variables in the marketing mix: product, promotion, price, and distribution. To exercise analytical, communication, and presentation skills (through use of technological aids, such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and the Internet)—the basic tools of marketing. 2.0. Textbooks: Principles of Marketing, 13th Edition, by Kotler/Armstrong, Pearson Education 2012, ISBN 978730225574 3.0. Recommended Reading: A Selective reading packet is prepared for the course, which comprises Harvard cases, company cases derived from Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, â€Å"Principles of Marketing† , 7th edition, articles derived from HBR, SBR, and other significant business journals, as well as latest developed Chinese cases. Related handouts will be distributed in the class. 4.0 Method of Instruction: The course is highly interactive between the class and the instructor. Through case studies/presentations, problems, and specific company client activities, students will have the opportunity to use the concepts, ideas, and strategies presented in class. Problem-solving sessions occur in both individual (primarily) and team (occasionally) settings. This undergraduate course will incorporate a lecture and project-based approach to the principles of marketing. The textbook used in this course will be used as a reference point for the discussion(s) of the marketing plan project. Students are encouraged to read and inculcate the major principles found in the textbook. Note that occasionally changes in the schedule of the course or in the assignments are announced during class. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have received all of the changes and you will still be responsible for this information. The University is committed to a policy of honesty in academics. Conduct, which compromises a breach of this policy, may result in academic and/or disciplinary action. Cheating is a violation of student academic behavior standards. Please note that the sharing of information with other class members or with other sections of the course is considered cheating. 5.0. Assignments Case analysis An effective way to help students learn about the principles of marketing is  the analysis of marketing cases of real-world companies and events. Cases from the textbook will be assigned to provide an opportunity to apply the principles of marketing and to enhance one’s analytical ability to assess marketing problems. Analysis of cases provides for the application of course concepts to real-world situations, and students are expected to have read and analyzed the cases thoroughly prior to class. The objective of the use of cases is to apply the various principles/concepts of marketing to an in-depth analysis of a given company or industry. The class will be divided into groups (six student’s maximum per group), each group will be formed early on in the semester and given a date to present their analysis of a particular case. A presentation framework/format will be provided for each group. Team Project Each group need to develop a marketing project throughout the semester, following the below steps: Carefully choose the topic of the project, each group will decide on a â€Å"fictional† consumer product or service they wish to bring to market, which can be developed to illustrate and identify the marketing ideas. Draft a plan for the project, describing the topic goal, outline, procedure, approach, allotment of work, and possible difficulties. Carry out the plan, continuously discussing and reviewing every process of the project in the group. Referring to the instructor is welcome. Presentation and defence in class are going on in the last week As mentioned, all group members will receive the same grade for the work. Format for Marketing Plan Executive Summary Introduction Company Description (including background) Current marketing situation (situation analysis) Business mission statement External environmental factors affecting the business from: – Technological factors – Socio-cultural factors – Economic-Financial factors – Natural factors – Political-Legal factors– Competitive factors Opportunities and Threats in the External Environment Business Strengths and Weaknesses in relation to Opportunities and Threats Major Marketing Problem Competitive Advantage of the organisation Objectives and Goals Target Market Segments Recommendations for Product Strategy Recommendations for Price Strategy Recommendations for Promotion Strategy Recommendations for Place / Distribution Strategy Please note the following: If your plan is confidential, please inform the marker on the front cover of your plan. 6.0. Examination and Evaluation: Mid-test 20% Term exams 40% Group Project: Marketing Plan 20% Class participation and quiz 20% Total 100% The final is close-book. You will be asked conceptual questions which integrate all what they have learned through the course, so the hints of the best preparation for the exam is to attend the class regularly, participate in the discussion proactively and read the course material carefully. One of the questions in the final will be â€Å"What are the three most important lessons that you learned about marketing in this course that will help you as a manager, facing the challenge today and tomorrow in the globe stage?† All of you are encouraged to frequently think about this question since the beginning of the course. The final examination will be of two and a half hours duration. The examination is worth 40 percent of the total available marks. No materials are allowed into the examination room for this unit. You must bring your student identification card to the examination. In order to pass this unit to achieve your DEGREE you must complete and submit each item of coursework, complete the examination and achieve an overall mark of at least 75 percent of the total available marks. 7.0. Course Schedule: This Schedule is tentative and very much subject to change. Students are invited to bring in ads, articles, and anecdotes for class discussion. 1. Describe the roles of marketing and marketing strategy in business value creation. (This is taken from learning outcome) Poor ability to describe the fundamental concepts of marketing strategy and marketing mix. Adequate ability to describe the fundamental concepts of marketing strategy and marketing mix. Good ability to describe the fundamental concepts of marketing strategy and marketing mix and able to give related examples. Very good ability to describe the fundamental concepts of marketing strategy and marketing mix, to the extent of related applications in everyday business situation. 1.1. Explain fundamental concepts of marketing strategy and marketing mix used in the project. 1.2. Equal participation of all group members. 1.3. Ability to elicit and answer questions. 1. 2. Use appropriate terminologies in marketing activities and business environment. Poor ability to describe the terminologies used in marketing. Adequate ability to describe the terminologies used in marketing. Good ability to describe the terminologies used in marketing and able to give related examples. Very good ability to describe the terminologies used in marketing, to the extent of related applications in everyday business situation. 2.1. Explain the marketing terminologies used in the project. 3. Apply marketing concepts into marketing strategies in both local and international contexts. Poor ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Adequate ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Good ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing and able to give related examples. Very good ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing, to the extent of related applications in everyday business situation. 3.1. Explain marketing’s roles in companywide strategic planning. 4. Identify and explain the effects of marketing practices towards the community and the environment at large. Poor ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Adequate ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Good ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing and able to give related examples. Very good ability to describe the fundamental concepts  used in marketing, to the extent of related applications in everyday business situation. 4.1. Explain the marketing plan used in the project. 5.Apply marketing mix and marketing strategy concept into a marketing plan. Poor ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Adequate ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Good ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing and able to give related examples. Very good ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing, to the extent of related applications in everyday business situation. 5.1. Explain the marketing plan used in the project. 5.2. Fluency of presentation. 5.3. Time management. 1. Describe the roles of marketing and marketing strategy in business value creation. Poor ability to describe the fundamental concepts of marketing strategy and marketing mix. Adequate ability to describe the fundamental concepts of marketing strategy and marketing mix. Good ability to describe the fundamental concepts of marketing strategy and marketing mix and able to give related examples. Very good ability to describe the fundamental concepts of marketing strategy and marketing mix, to the extent of related applications in everyday business situation. 1.1. Executive Summary. 1.2. Introduction. 2. 2. Use appropriate terminologies in marketing activities and business environment. Poor ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Adequate ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Good ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing and able to give related examples. Very good ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing, to the extent of related applications in everyday business situation. 2.1. Introduction. 2.2. Body 2.3Conclusion 3. Apply marketing concepts into marketing strategies in both local and international contexts. Poor ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Adequate ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Good ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing and able to give related examples. Very good ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing, to the extent of related applications in everyday business situation. 3.1. Discussion of marketing concepts used in the project. 3.2. Application of marketing concepts in findings 4. Identify and explain the effects of marketing practices towards the community and the environment at large. Poor ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Adequate ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Good ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing and able to give related examples. Very good ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing, to the extent of related applications in everyday business situation. 4.1. Discussion of the effects of marketing practices in the project. 5.Apply marketing mix and marketing strategy concept into a marketing plan. Poor ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Adequate ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing. Good ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing and able to give related examples. Very good ability to describe the fundamental concepts used in marketing, to the extent of related applications in everyday business situation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Inherent Good and Evil in Lord of the Flies Essay

The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is tale of a group of young boys who become stranded on a deserted island after their plane crashes. Intertwined in this classic novel are many themes, most that relate to the inherent evil that exists in all human beings and the malicious nature of mankind. In The Lord of the Flies, Golding shows the boys’ gradual transformation from being civilized, well-mannered people to savage, ritualistic beasts. From the time that the boys land on the island, both a power struggle and the first signs of the boys’ inherent evil, Piggy’s mockery, occur. After blowing the conch and summoning all the boys to come for an assembly, an election is held. â€Å"I ought to be chief , said Jack with simple arrogance, because I’m chapter chorister and head boy†(Golding 22). After Ralph is elected Chief, Jack envies his position and constantly struggles for power with Ralph throughout the rest of the novel, convincing the rest of the boys to join his tribe rather than to stay with Ralph. Also, soon after the boys arrive at the island, Piggy, a physically weak and vulnerable character, is mocked and jeered at by the other boys. After trying to recount all of the liluns’ names, Piggy is told to â€Å"Shut up, Fatty,† by Jack Merridew. Ralph remarks by saying, â€Å"He’s not Fatty. His real name’s Piggy. † All of the boys on the island, except for Piggy, laugh and make themselves more comfortable at Piggy’s expense. â€Å"A storm of laughter arose and even the tiniest child joined in. For a moment the boys were a closed circuit of sympathy with Piggy outside. â€Å"(Golding 21). The boys instinctively become more comfortable with one another after Piggy’s mockery and create a bond, leaving Piggy on the outside. While Jack and Ralph are exploring the island, they encounter a piglet which Jack supposedly attempts to kill. After gaining the courage to kill the baby pig, Jack rectifies the situation by saying â€Å"I was just waiting for a moment to decide where to stab him (Golding 31). † This event clearly illustrates that along with inherent evil, â€Å"man is [also] capable of being good and kind, and has to choice and free will to choose which one he will become. â€Å"(Ridley 97) Jack’s mercy is short-lived, however, and when they encounter another pig, Jack and his hunters are relentless. They return to beach ritualistically chanting â€Å"Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood,† where they excitedly explain the details of the hunt. â€Å"I cut the pig’s throat,’ said Jack, proudly, and yet twitched as he said it (Golding 69). Jack is internally struggling between his civilized teachings and savage instincts in this example, in which he both proudly exclaims his murder and twitches while doing so. Another example of the boy’s inherent evil is the brutal murder of the sow. Without any regard for the sow’s newborns, Jack commands his tribe to attack it. The boys â€Å"hurled themselves at her. This dreadful eruption from an unknown world made her frantic; she squealed and bucked and the air was full of sweat and noise and blood and terror† (Golding 135). The animalistic behavior of the boys frightens the sow, and the reader as well. After the death of the sow, the boys play with its blood and ritualistically celebrate their kill. Jack â€Å"giggled and flicked them while the boys laughed at his reeking palms. Then Jack grabbed Maurice and rubbed the stuff over his cheeks† (Golding 135). The boys show no mercy for the sow and behave like savages. The murder of the sow allows the boys to â€Å"revert back to [their] primitive instincts† (Garbarino 96) and lose all traces of guilt and conscience. In the novel, Ralph and Piggy represent intelligence, reason, and a government. They also try to abstain from resorting back to their primitive instincts and use reason to try and convince the other boys to do the same. â€Å"Which is better- to be a pack of painted Indians like you are, or to be sensible like Ralph is? â€Å"(Golding 180) states Piggy. The boys’ crazed reaction to Piggy’s question illustrates Piggy’s point about the civility of himself and Ralph, compared to Jack and the rest of the tribe. Many times throughout the book, Piggy is the voice of reason and helps to guide Ralph along that same road if he loses his way. After scolding Samneric for being pessimistic about their fate, Ralph momentarily forgets the reasons why the signal fire is so important. â€Å"He tried to remember. Smoke, he said, we want smoke. Course we have. Cos the smoke’s a signal and we can’t be rescued if we don’t have smoke. I knew that! Shouted Ralph† (Golding 172). Ralph begins to lose his initial cheerfulness and enthusiasm and replaces it with disinterest and pessimism. Piggy and Ralph separate themselves from Jack and his tribe and continue to maintain their â€Å"government†. However, when Jack and his tribe kill a pig and invite Ralph and Piggy to join their feast, the two accept and cannot resist the temptation of the meat. Later on in the celebration, Jack and his tribe perform a ritualistic dance, in which Piggy and Ralph later join. â€Å"Piggy and Ralph, under the threat of the sky, found themselves eager to take a place in this demented but partly secure society† (Golding 152). They realize that the dance fueled the boys to murder Simon, and later deny their participance in it. â€Å"We left early, said Piggy quickly, because we were tired† (Golding 158). Ralph and Piggy recognize the evil in the dance, and know that if the others found out about their participance in it, then the boys would claim that Piggy and Ralph would be going against their own beliefs. Also, by not admitting their partaking in the dance, Piggy and Ralph are denying their involvement in Simon’s murder and their inherent evil. They do not believe that evil exists within them and believe that it will â€Å"disappear† if they do not believe in it. Simon and Ralph represent goodness and reason, and both encounter the Lord of the Flies. The Lord of the Flies is the head of a pig which is sacrificially given to the beast in order to preserve the boys’ safety. Simon is the first to talk with the Lord of the Flies, and when he does, he learns that the beast (evil) is not in an animal out in the woods, but in the boys themselves. â€Å"Fancy you thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill. You knew didn’t you? I’m part of you,† (Golding 143) says the Lord of the Flies to Simon. The Lord of Flies says that the beast is not a physical manifestation that is in the form of an animal that can be hunted and killed, but resides inside the souls of the boys on the island. The Lord of the Flies even says that the Beast is part of Simon, the symbol of goodness, suggesting that all human beings are born with both some evil and goodness. Later on while Ralph is fleeing from Jack and his tribe, he stumbles upon the Lord of the Flies. â€Å"Little prickles of sensation ran up and down his back. The teeth grinned, the empty sockets seemed to hold his gaze masterfully and without effort† (Golding 185). Soon after, Ralph hits the pig’s head and smashes it into pieces. By destroying the Lord of the Flies, Ralph denies his internal evil and primitive instincts. The difference between Ralph’s and Simon’s encounter with the Lord of the Flies is that Simon accepts The Lord of the Flies and listens intently to what it is saying to him. However, Ralph destroys it and then walks away from it. Both Ralph’s and Simon’s experience with the Lord of the Flies states that â€Å"all men are capable of evil, and evil is inherent in all human beings, without exception. † (Ridley 107) The Lord of the Flies illustrates the capabilities of evil in all things. All of the boys on the island are tempted by evil, but not all of them give in to the craving. However, along with the evil that lies within all people, there is also a tinge of goodness, suggesting that all people have the free will to choose their destiny. The boys’ struggle between their anarchic driving force, and Ego, their sense and rationale, represent the ongoing feud between good and evil and is both exciting and emotional. The Lord of the Flies is a superbly written novel that will remain in the hearts of all who read it, and affect all who encounter it, much like the evil which it describes. Work Cited Garbarino, Ph. D, James. Lost Boys Why Our Sonds Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them. New York, NY: The Free Press, 1999. Ridley, Matt. Nature Via Nurture. Great Britain: Harper Collins Publishers Inc. , 2003. Neubauer, M. D. , Peter B,, and Alexander Neubauer. Nature’s Thumbprint. New Tork: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. , 1990. Burnham, Terry, and Jay Phelan. Mean Genes. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing, 2000. Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. The Berkley Publishing Group.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Learning Style and Brain Dominance

When analyzing the three mentioned ways of learning patterns, they portrayed auditory learners as the best listeners, and usually reads out loud which help them recall what they read. People with a â€Å"Kinesthetic† learning pattern are usually hands on, they are described as the people who will take things apart and put them back together in order to recall what they learned. They are also very fond of using body gestures when they talk. â€Å"Visual† was also mentioned as one of the main learning patterns, people who fall under this category usually recall what they learn by recollecting visual images, and they tend to be very detail oriented.As all our fingers are not equal, neither is our personality. Everyone has their own comfort zone when it comes to learning. When taking the brain dominance test, I felt I have a combination of both. My final score said something different; it put me more on the right side. I guess we can say the brain is who we are; it controls your being and portrays your personality. I guess that is why we have choices because if we all use the same part of the brain we would understand each other and get along, I am not sure if that would be a fun world, we need the pros and cons of life that is why we cannot think and do things equally.Left brainers are said to be very logical and detailed oriented, while right brainers always views and analyze things with the bigger picture, they are auditory and sometimes detail oriented. My knowledge of brain dominance and learning style will affect my professional life by directing me toward the professions and roles which would make best use of analytical ability and attention to detail. The one thing I have not done is try to figure out my comfort zone when it comes to learning, but with this study I am going to be able to assess myself better to see where I fall short when it comes to learning.I am going to start making a better judgment call; I think it is very important to un derstand how to be able to help another. I am going to make it a point to use this new knowledge to access my personal and professional life to make it better and less stressful. This assessment will enable me to enhance my personal life by bringing to level of conscious realization not all people view things in the same way that I do and so it will help me ngage them to understand them for better team effort in both personal and career perspective. I believe knowing that everyone thinks and do things differently, as a manager; it will help me control any emotion that gets in the way of my management. As we are all human and have feelings, when it comes to the professional life, emotions are to be set aside which is very hard to do sometimes. Assessing yourself and knowing who you are will help control emotions when it comes to managing employees at the work placeTo conclude, whether â€Å"Visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic†, we are all unique in a way so we just need to find wh o we are and what best works for us and approach life as we learn about ourselves the best way possible. I will utilize this new found knowledge to effectively engage others in an attempt to build better relationships and enhance communication; I will use this knowledge to foster acceptance and understanding of those who view the world from a perspective other than my own Learning Style and Brain Dominance When analyzing the three mentioned ways of learning patterns, they portrayed auditory learners as the best listeners, and usually reads out loud which help them recall what they read. People with a â€Å"Kinesthetic† learning pattern are usually hands on, they are described as the people who will take things apart and put them back together in order to recall what they learned. They are also very fond of using body gestures when they talk. â€Å"Visual† was also mentioned as one of the main learning patterns, people who fall under this category usually recall what they learn by recollecting visual images, and they tend to be very detail oriented.As all our fingers are not equal, neither is our personality. Everyone has their own comfort zone when it comes to learning. When taking the brain dominance test, I felt I have a combination of both. My final score said something different; it put me more on the right side. I guess we can say the brain is who we are; it controls your being and portrays your personality. I guess that is why we have choices because if we all use the same part of the brain we would understand each other and get along, I am not sure if that would be a fun world, we need the pros and cons of life that is why we cannot think and do things equally.Left brainers are said to be very logical and detailed oriented, while right brainers always views and analyze things with the bigger picture, they are auditory and sometimes detail oriented. My knowledge of brain dominance and learning style will affect my professional life by directing me toward the professions and roles which would make best use of analytical ability and attention to detail. The one thing I have not done is try to figure out my comfort zone when it comes to learning, but with this study I am going to be able to assess myself better to see where I fall short when it comes to learning.I am going to start making a better judgment call; I think it is very important to un derstand how to be able to help another. I am going to make it a point to use this new knowledge to access my personal and professional life to make it better and less stressful. This assessment will enable me to enhance my personal life by bringing to level of conscious realization not all people view things in the same way that I do and so it will help me ngage them to understand them for better team effort in both personal and career perspective. I believe knowing that everyone thinks and do things differently, as a manager; it will help me control any emotion that gets in the way of my management. As we are all human and have feelings, when it comes to the professional life, emotions are to be set aside which is very hard to do sometimes. Assessing yourself and knowing who you are will help control emotions when it comes to managing employees at the work placeTo conclude, whether â€Å"Visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic†, we are all unique in a way so we just need to find wh o we are and what best works for us and approach life as we learn about ourselves the best way possible. I will utilize this new found knowledge to effectively engage others in an attempt to build better relationships and enhance communication; I will use this knowledge to foster acceptance and understanding of those who view the world from a perspective other than my own

Friday, September 27, 2019

Typical developmental pathways of Speech Language and Communication Essay

Typical developmental pathways of Speech Language and Communication - Essay Example The developmental pathways of speech, communication, and language start from when the child is about three months to when he or she is about three years, that is thirty-six months. By this age, the child has developed the basic skills and can communicate and understand some words. During the development of these three skills, in case a certain developmental concern is observed, intervention is critical. This is because it is easier to resolve problems related to these skills at early ages, however if the concerns are left untreated, the child may suffer from language, and speech impairments that affect the childs ability to use language learned later. It also affects how they learn new things, and how they behave in their later childhood and adolescence The pathways to child development are in ten groups from when the child is three months to when he or she is thirty-six months. In the third month the child should be able to, maintain eye contact, coo, goo, and smile, and cry differently for different needs, for example, when tired or the third to sixth month the child is able to smile and quiet when spoken to. From six to nine months, the child should begin bubbling, express feelings and vocalizes to gain attention, the child should also be able to turn the head in order to follow sound and notice toys. The third stage of typical developmental pathways falls from nine to twelve months, at this stage the child can consistently respond to the own name when called, looks at familiar people and objects when mentioned. At this stage, the child can also follow routine commands associated with gestures, from twelve to fifteen months the child imitates speech sounds and understands up to fifty words. From fifteen month to the twenty-fourth months, the child shows improved skills in speech language and communication. From the twenty-fourth month onwards the child

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Analysing Conflict Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysing Conflict - Coursework Example A rookie metallurgist, who had been responsible for monitoring furnace conditions during melting processes and oversee casting processes, was also assigned the task of manually operating the overhead crane to fill in the molds with the molten steel. A foundry, being a stressful work environment, often makes things delicate with no chance for error and apprentice engineers are often made to undertake all responsibilities of the technicians for them to get acquainted with the equipment and work process. Under such circumstances, the fresh metallurgist filed a complaint against the foundry manager for assigning him tasks he was overqualified for, feeling that the task was below him and further took it as a personal insult or at minimum, an obstruction to his career. This case became the center of contention in the workplace hindering work shifts causing a rift between the technical labor and the engineers. To avoid spreading this chaos to other departments, the company decided to deal w ith the case by giving the metallurgist a hearing with the top management. Most of the top managers being in favor of the current process turned down most of the suggestions by the metallurgist which resulted in legal threats and further complication of the case. The contention, shortly followed by a previous cooled down conflict between labors and the top management, that had put the fresh engineers on wrong side of technician workforce had now also put the top management, engineers and managers alike, on a third stance further complicating the situation. In this case, experienced employee engineers were requested to intervene, to prevent legal ramifications or work process hindering, as a process of informal mediation. Conflicts can generally be divided into three main categories: relationship conflict, process conflict and task conflict. A relationship conflict would mainly consist of issues like personal discrimination and interpersonal conflicts between employees or the involve d people, task conflicts on the other hand are less of hindrance to the work process itself in general and often results in positive discussions about task improvement and goals. Process conflicts are more negative and often invite combinations of other conflicts to increase complications since the main issue is about the work process and the way things are being handled at work or a project. Greenberg (2003) describes a process conflict to be a clash of views about how task accomplishment should proceed in terms of assigned duties and tasks, responsibilities and accountability. A successful mediator needs to gather some essential data about the conflict in order to be fully equipped for dealing with the situation. The first thing to do is to understand the nature of the conflict. The three basic types defined above are essential to be considered. Once the nature of the conflict is known, the mediator would determine the underlying needs of the involved parties. Irvine and Adam Gers ch (2002) suggest such data gathering to be one of the basic roles of the mediator. Statistical data gathering has been termed as a best practice for mediation in contentious issues for satisfaction of the conflicting parties. Further data gathering would involve the types of tasks the perceived aggrieved party was made to perform in regards to the example of the metallurgist. These tasks would then be

Management in the Apple Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management in the Apple Company - Research Paper Example The fanatical loyalty of the Apple brand becomes obvious to an outsider when he/she sees the shoppers sleeping just next to the shop-door in an attempt to be the first one to buy the new Apple item. Apple’s success as a company and the development of liking among the people for the Apple products as well as the whole Apple culture is an outcome of prudent and timely planning. This paper looks into the way management of the Apple Company has dealt with the four management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Management Functions 1. Planning Apple’s successful strategic planning is the most fundamental reason of its success. Apple’s foresightedness is a virtue that helps the Company display excellent and realistic planning. Apple regularly assesses the risks in the planning phase, thinks of a number of ways in which the risk can be mitigated and finally, takes the action that incurs Apple the minimal cost and the offers maximal advantage to t he Company. Challenges that the Apple Company has conventionally planned for include but are not limited to the altering buying attitude of the target customers under effect of the global economy and/or their local economies, and growth in the number of fake and pirated items. Apple has frequently employed branding as a strategy to succeed in the ever-increasing competition. Branding can be defined as a process through which a brand develops association of the consumers with itself so that they would approach the very brand when they need to purchase something. There are few people who decide to purchase an Apple computer, though they surely want to try the less expensive gadgets like iPhone and iPod. Apple provides new users with an opportunity to learn about Apple by selling such gadgets at a significantly lower cost. Hence, Apple plans to use the small gadgets as advertisers to convince the users to buy larger and more expensive Apple products like Apple computers. 2. Organizing In the start, Apple was facing the problem of recognition. The sales staffers have for long been insufficiently informed of the Apple products. In order to tackle this problem, Apple resolved to establish its own stores that would have nothing but all Apple products in them. This enabled Apple not only to give a unique identity to its products amongst the similar computing devices already available in the market, but also make a customer-loyalty move. Consumers are facilitated with the establishment of Apple stores since both the PC and the Mac users can shop together. â€Å"This is a space where Macheads can not only get service but also hang out with others who enjoy Apple products just as much as they do. By creating this space, Apple encourages current and new customers to get excited about what it has to offer† (Inside CRM, 2011). 3. Leading Steve P. Jobs is Apple’s cofounder and the chief executive of the Company. Apple’s success can also be attributed to a significant extent to the exceptional leadership skills of Jobs. Jobs has invested so much energy in taking Apple from the nascent state to the level where it is today that he has taken little care of his own health. Owing to his deteriorating health, Jobs has taken medical leave for the company thrice within a period of ten years. In his absence, Timothy D. Cook used to look after the everyday works in the Apple Company. Most experts are of the view that although Jobs has

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

India Caste System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

India Caste System - Essay Example The Viashyas were merchants, farmers, carpenters while the Shudras were the tenant farmers, laborious. Towards the edge of the hierarchy were the untouchables’. The untouchables considered outcasts practiced activities such as scavenging and animal skinning. The untouchable activities were considered unclean and polluting. They were to be far away from other castes. For instance, if their shadows were within the visibility of the Brahmans then the Brahmans would be polluted. The Hindu laws insisted on only four castes excluding the untouchables and they would face criminal charges by their polluting presence. The Brahmans were allowed to give their food to people of other castes but would not be given food from other castes. This would be considered pollution. These barriers limited interactions (Singh 35). The caste systems shared some commonalities. For instant the castes were hereditary. Individual born in a particular caste belonged to that very caste and it was impossible to shift to other castes. Another commonality was that the systems were endogamous. Marriage was only acceptable between those of the same caste (Singh 34). Below the Varnas was the sub castes referred to as Jatis. Each Jati comprised of people of the same occupation. A person born from a particular Jati is a member of that Jati by the virtue of birth (Singh 35). The elements of the castes are hierarchical, hereditary and repulsion. The hierarchical element discourages and does not accommodate the rise of status of a group and mixture of occupation. There are rule that India caste system impose that if not adhered to may result into one status being lowered form one caste system to another. The most vital characteristic is endogamy and occupation restriction. Violation of the above rules results in excommunication from the family as well as caste. Another restriction is on diet and food habits of the members. According to castes only certain foods would be

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Issues and Risks of the Performance a Management System in the Merged Coursework

Issues and Risks of the Performance a Management System in the Merged Organization - Coursework Example Implementing a single performance management system would not be appropriate to measure the performance of all employees due to the differences in their competencies and skills. Since the performance management system would have its own rating parameters, there are chances that it could be fair for some individuals and unfair with some. This is because staffs perceive fairness with regards to comparisons. Employees compare inputs with one another, such as their efforts and expertise, their job performances and compensations with other employees. Due to the disparity in skill levels and the varying levels of inputs, efforts or expertise among employees, the performance evaluating parameters would be improper indicators of actual performance levels and productivity. Some employees are likely to get overrated while some of them would remain underrated. This would appear to be unfair for staffs which would eventually render the system ineffective. It is important that the performance man agement system measures the different activities accurately. If they do not, then the system results would differ from the actual results which would give its managers an inaccurate picture of the conditions of the firm and results of their decisions. All members from the two organizations might not be equally educated and updated about the use of the system. All managers might not be adept in a single technology which can cause differences in the ways they use or operate the system. This could also arouse differences they interpret results or outcomes of measurements. Improper and inaccurate ratings can generate out of difference in assessments methods and techniques which can yield inaccurate results in the system (Markus, 2004, p.6-10). Mitigating risks of the performance management system in the merged organization Firstly, it must be ensured that parameters for measuring performance must be based on fairness and equality. The different skills, expertise and competencies of staf fs must be measured through different parameters in order to yield unbiased and accurate results. Aspects like extent of criticality of tasks, difficulty of work activities, time taken for performing a particular work activity must be considered while measuring task performances. It is essential to train staffs and employees on the new system of performance management. The first step must be to educate staffs with regards to the importance of the system and make them understand the key concepts, terminology and best practices. It is crucial to clearly set out environmental and personal factors required for delivering top performance and the importance of supervisors to facilitate a high performing work environment in the organization. One method to eliminate discrepancies in use of parameters is to include a structured and quantitative approach. This is particularly effective in cases where the performance management is likely to be used as an input to a pay for performance scheme. Ideally, it is crucial to associate a certain weight to the job accountability and accountability in proportion to its importance and also each relevant competencies and skills if the organization wishes to reward certain behaviors. It is important to align the system with the organizational objectives and goals. Skills which are critical for the attainment of those

Monday, September 23, 2019

Unit 5 Case Project Questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 5 Case Project Questions - Coursework Example The EIGRP is on average 90, while OSPF has a larger distance scale and is 110. Load balancing is one of the option and function that is relatively common between these two. The link state nature and support of OSPF over the EIGRP which supports distant vector protocol also amounts to one of the major difference between the two protocols used in communication systems and networks (Syngress, 2001, p 38). With the given facts and information based detailed, it can be evaluated that OSPF may be preferred over EIGRP on the account of fact that is more flexible and supportive towards the large scaled networks. The option of ease of network is another area which it will enable if implemented in the large scaled networks. The non reliance on the CISCO hardware is another plus and all these options and factors should be taken into account with regard to the decision making between EIGRP and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Nutrition and Body Essay Example for Free

Nutrition and Body Essay All macromolecules are essential to the body. One has to have the right amount of all of the macromolecules in order to be healthy. It is believed that high protein diets with carbohydrate restriction causes weight loss. However as a result of high protein diet, one damages his/her kidney which is responsible for filtering proteins from blood. In the article, Janine says, â€Å"If you eat too much proteins and not enough carbs you can ruin your kidneys forever.† I agree with Janine, one has to have enough carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are important in the body as they provide energy for short term storage. However if one does not have enough carbohydrates in his/her diet, it affects the brain. Glucose from carbs is the fuel that brain uses to produce energy that moves and motivates one therefore one has to have glucose in the body. Mitchell has this misunderstanding about carbs and fat. Mitchell thinks that if one cuts down on carbs, he/she is actually training the body to burn fat instead. Fats and carbohydrates are two different things. If one is gaining weight, that’s because of calories. The amount of calories one takes causes obesity. Obesity is linked with poor body image. A positive body image is maintained by eating foods that contain fewer calories in it. A person’s weight is affected by genetic inheritance, nutrition and physical activity. Perceived body size is affected by media, puberty, and peer groups. All these factors affect body weight and perceived body size. Metabolism refers to all chemical processes that go on continuously inside the body. The amount of kilojoules your body burns at any given time is affected by your metabolism. Thyroid gland located below the larynx produces thyroid hormone which controls metabolism, growth, body temperature, muscle strength and appetite. Homeostasis is the process used by the body to maintain a stable internal environment. Hormonal regulation of metabolism such as when blood sugar levels rise in the body, insulin is secreted by the pancreas to covert glucose into glycogen, and when sugar levels in blood fall, glucagon is secreted by the pancreas to convert glycogen into glucose. If people have high blood sugar, they get diabetes. If people have low blood sugars, they get headaches, hunger, pale skin etc. Maintaining a normal blood sugar level is very important in the body. In the article, Mitchell says, â€Å"I get pretty hungry and I was getting headaches.† I think it’s because of having low blood sugar level. Mitchell has high  insulin and less glucagon hormone in the body. The advice I would give to Mitchell is to stop dieting and eat healthy foods that contain fewer calories. Mitchell needs to have physical exercises, healthy foods and self-concept.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Developing a Learning Organizational Culture

Developing a Learning Organizational Culture ABSTRACT Employees of an organization that has a mission of enhancing standards of excellence must have knowledge and skills that best suits their work. This then calls for continuous trainings of employees for an organization to better utilize the existing human resources. Training and Development is a major strategy to accomplish this objective. In this perspective there is need for flexibility which is required to respond effectively to the rapidly changing environment, Human Resource training efforts must enable the employees to perform multiple tasks in multiple roles while enhancing a good organizational learning culture. This paper therefore contributes to the debate by analyzing in detail the creation of a learning organizational culture We also examine the methodologies that enable us to show that even successful organizations do not always implement best practice Human Resource Management, and that there is frequently a discrepancy between intention and practice. conclusion at the individual and directorial levels are intricate and often contradictory; we question the extent to which it is possible or meaningful to attempt to measure the interrelationship between Human resources management, at the level of the formal system, and organizational performance, without taking into consideration the role played by the informal organization in the process and implementation of Human resources training. Introduction The human resource field takes a clear view of workers, supercilious that almost all wish to contribute to the enterprise productively, and that the main hindrance to their actions are lack of knowledge, insufficient training, and failures of process. Human resource management is seen as a more inventive aspect of workplace management other than the traditional approach. It results to the managers of an enterprise expressing their goals with specificity in order to be understood and undertaken by the workforce, providing the resources needed for them to successfully accomplish their assignments. As such, Human Resource management techniques, when properly practiced, are expressive of the goals and operating practices of the enterprise overall. Human Resource management is also seen by many to have a key role in continuous trainings of employees. The employees of an organization that has a mission of enhancing standards of excellence must have knowledge and skills that best suits there work. This then calls for continuous trainings of employees for an organization to better utilize the existing human resources. Training and development is a major strategy to accomplish this objective. In this perspective the flexibility required to respond effectively to the rapidly changing environment, Human Resource training efforts must enable the employees to perform multiple tasks in multiple roles (Adler 1997, p.13) Development and training The aim of the development function of human resources maintenance is to ensure that personnel are adequately trained to enable them to be capable to fulfil their goals, as well as to contribute to enhabnced performance and growth with their work . The development of employees can be regarded as a special field of human resource management that includes planned individual learning, education, organization development, career development and training. Training is an efficient method for altering an employees behavior to prepare the employee for a job or upgrade the employees performance on the job. Development involves the preparation of a person for broader responsibilities and higher-level positions within the company. Preparation and growth can fluctuate from one firm to another, as well as by type or size of service organization (Armstrong 1996, pp. 220 -221). To maximize training effectiveness, it is important to consider how employees learn most effectively. Culture as a factor has a strong impact on training practices in different parts of the world. For example, in the USA, where power distance is small, the interaction between the trainer and employees appears to be equal. The trainer and employees use first names, and the employees therefore feel free to challenge what the trainer says. In another country outside the USA like Malaysia, power distance is large, a trainer receives greater respect from the employee. The trained employees use his/ her surname and title, and he/ she is an expert that students rarely challenge. Defining a Learning Culture A learning tradition can be defined as an organization that knows how to learn, with people who freely share what they know and are willing to change based on the acquisition of new knowledge. Undoubtedly, one of the most significant rudiments of a learning culture are high quality, sound learning programs that are evaluated not only for their effectiveness but also for their potential for really making a difference. That kind of communal appraisal is a self-check on the worth of the program and whether its being endorsed and supported. Organizations that simply make public large catalogs of training courses without consulting their clients or assessing their unique needs exhibit more of a course culture — the more courses, the better — than a learning culture. Instructors that are content only to make public a large e-learning course catalog, and not much more, will be less likely too be seen as business problem-solvers (Galaghan, 1991, p. 43). An extra suggestion of a high-quality education society is higher-ranking management support — and Im not just talking about words, but long-term funding. For learning to hold base, senior executives must do extra than just endorse learning; they must embrace it and become users themselves. This will make them good role representation for the rest of the institute. Good learning traditions involve an savings in good learning depth and evaluation. Its serious to demonstrate that learning makes a variation and that its benefits are not simply conjecture. Some organizations that are just paying attention on plan and liberation tend to miss out on the front end (needs assessment) and the back end (evaluation), which are very culturally specific. Good learning traditions go out of classroom and out of the instructional mode to become involved in the workplace. If the staff gets two or three weeks of instruction a year, thats pretty good. But what is their responsibility for the remaining parts of the weeks? They didnt stop learning; theyre learning on the job. So the ease by which the workforce contacts information, form communities of performance, and use performance support to learn and improve their performance in the workplace is a sign of a good learning culture. An additional attribute of an education tradition is how well and how thoroughly we integrate front-line supervisors into our learning strategy. Do they commend whatsoever training the workers call for but not pay any attention to outcomes, or are they integrally involved in developing their people? Then theres the whole performance assessment and performance analysis scheme. To what degree is learning truly included and embroidered, and to what extent are employees encouraged in the review process to teach one another and share their knowledge? This is where it becomes very important to review not just whether the employee took the requisite number of hours or the requisite number of courses. That becomes very mechanical. Workers — above all managers — have to be weighed up on their coaching and support for learning. Executives must assume that liveliness comes in large part from learning and growing. They must actually consider about their own â€Å"knowledge measure† (their curiosity in, and capacity for, learning new things) and the learning quotient of their employees. Also, a learning society cannot give confidence to knowledge hoarding, but slightly knowledge sharing. If I know that Im going to be rated on the known, why would I share information with someone else — which would give them an advantage in the appraisal system, especially with companies that rate on a curve? If I come up with a brilliant idea and share it with everybody, I should get credit for sharing it, even though the idea then would not be to my exclusive benefit. The blueprint of a outcome evaluation scheme has to equal any kind of required rating and ranking with criteria that focuses on knowledge-sharing, learning and teamwork (Arthur 1994, p. 298). Creating a Learning Organization A learning organization can be described as one that is able to inspire commitment, and cultivate a culture of discovering and acquiring knowledge and experience for continued growth, development and success. The organizational learning process requires some relatively permanent change in behavior of its workers that results in continuous capability to adapt and change as the market, clients or environmental demands. To tackle these changes requires a strong commitment from management and often a significant shift in organization culture. One of the biggest challenges in moving toward the learning model is convincing and enabling employees to develop new ways of thinking about how things are smartly done. To be a learning organization also demands an open culture where information is shared, interdependence is high, collaboration is the norm, and achievement of the organization mission or vision is pursued with cooperation and open-mindedness ( Hofstede 1991, p. 304). A commitment to such a challenging level must offer tangible outcomes. The learning organization can also on the other hand have some distinct advantages, the most significant being the ability to respond to major change much more quickly than a more traditional organization. As well, learning organizations are more likely to embrace processes of systematic problem solving, and to focus on creating new ideas and solutions to optimize outcomes, versus the more traditional approach of trial and error or committing to approaches that have worked in the past. A typical learning organization will learn from past experiences and history, but utilize that experience to pursue more enlightened and future-directed outcomes. The plasticity and compliance intrinsic to a learning institution is determined by the rapid and efficient internal transfer of knowledge. The open culture and communication processes that are indicative of a learning organization are the enablers in this internal knowledg e transfer. Knowledge sharing encourages motivation and commitment from employees, by encouraging employee involvement in the process of creating and developing a learning culture, and by providing continuous constructive feedback ( Huselid 1995). The test for most associations is the shift from a long-established to a learning organization. How does one begin the practice of changing organization ethics, comprising organization acquaintances â€Å"unlearn† the old ways of doing things, and convincing them to embrace a culture that is committed to change, innovation and continuous improvement? The key is a well thought out strategy that is based on an in-depth understanding of the culture, values, market position, and knowledge base across the organization. For advanced organizations to successfully develop continuous learning, they should regard the Initial consultation within the senior leadership team to gain an accurate and detailed view of how the organization functions overall; structure, knowledge base, mission, goals, vision, culture and values, and; the rationale for becoming a learning organization. This information is necessary and invaluable when determining the requirement for and viability of a more detailed needs analysis (Stacey 1996, p. 64). The institutions should also take on a thoroughly need investigation through surveys, focus groups and key stakeholder interviews. It should also undertake a strategic planning and action by senior leaders based upon the in-depth needs analysis. Because contact is serious in organization expansion progression, it is therefore important to ensure all employees are aware of the process, and the targeted outcomes. It is essential to ensure that all employees understand the â€Å"learning organization† concept, the rationale and value, implications for employees, implementation process, and targeted outcomes. Through senior leaders, planning, organization and delivery of information workshops would facilitate provision of survey feedback, â€Å"educate† employees on the â€Å"learning organization† concept, solicit their ideas and concerns and achieve buy-in. An organization should establish a multi-dimensional management development program, which is essential for the successful implementation of a learning organization culture. The two major dimensions of the program would be: a formal management development process with a consulting focus, to prepare managers for their next promotion level, while strengthening performance in their current position and; a dynamic and substantive coaching program developed for each level of management. Both dimensions of the management development program would be aligned with organization mission, vision and goals, and would include a concerted focus on interpersonal skills development, in the learning organization milieu. An evaluation of developmental initiatives, and particularly the management development/coaching process, is necessary, to ensure that the â€Å"learning organization concept† is well entrenched within the organization (Triandis 1995, p. 39). Becoming a Learning Company The aptitude of a corporation to learn, not to be rigid, bright and responsive to sustain itself in the given environment is in the modern world being seen as the only way to manage a competitive advantage. Speculative images of the learning company thrive but there is little research focusing on companies who have actually applied the concepts and made them work. The following case study is concerned with describing a company which has attempted to become a learning organization. Prudential UK The Organization The Company started by giving loans and life insurance to people since 1848. Since then it has become a leading company, as measured by annual premium equivalent sales. Their service has also increased to include annuities, pensions, savings and investments. The company has offered financial services to many enterprises such as Jackson National Life, Prudential Corporation Asia and Egg. Prudential company is found in the United Kingdom, the United States and Asia and has employed over 20,000 people, 7,200 of whom are based in the UK and Mumbai. Globally Prudential Company has assets of 234 billion pounds on behalf of 19 million customers, to whom it promises, â€Å"In an uncertain world, we make it possible for everyone to enjoy a secure future†. The Challenge At the start of the decade the company had to accept a period of profound change to cater for the increasing demands of its highly-competitive and tightly-regulated market. In 2002 the companys leadership team learnt the way it would achieve this in a strategy called the ‘1,000 day plan, the cornerstone of which was best practice in all people policy and procedures. â€Å"We wanted to make sure that we involved our people to transform our business. To do this we harmonised our practices using the People Standard as our benchmark,† says Liane Collins, Human Resources and Learning and Development Operations Consultant. The plan was to provide success and the Standard helped the company to engage its people to succeed. By adopting Andra King from Capital Quality Limited as their external Adviser, the Prudentials aim was to maximise the potential of its people using a number of different tools such as continuous assessment and recognition. Using these tools the y wanted to continue to ensure that their people were at the heart of their business. A further difficulty was to ensure that its workers grasped and applied the brand values to everything they did. â€Å"We are focused to delivering the right services,† explains Liane. â€Å"We want our clients to know that we can be trusted, helpful and easy to deal with. Thats the experience we want them to have. Honest dialogue is the essence of what we believe in.† The Solution Among the first things to be done back at the outset of the 1,000 day plan in 2002 was to align learning materials with a Capability Framework, in which the company outlined the skills it needs to thrive. Since then understanding of the framework has leapt from under 40 per cent to over 90 per cent and there is noticeably more connectivity between company strategy and its people. Having established physical Learning Zones across its head offices in the first year of the plan, the second year saw the company bring learning to each desktop through an online learning management system called Learning Space. As well as providing a way to track learning achievements, it gives access to over 4,000 items of learning material. Nearly every employee has now actively used it, and so has helped put them in control of their own learning and development. At the same time highest achievers were offered access to the Pru University programme, an internal institution designed to develop a group of key managers and specialists committed to achieving our business goals. This concept was extended the following year to an Alumni scheme, allowing those who studied together to work and develop together. A talent management process was also introduced to ensure leaders are properly assessed. â€Å"The Pru University is aimed at influential people, ambassadors and drivers of change, irrespective of grade, who can contribute to the development of the organisation and make a real difference to the business,† says Head of Learning and Development Matthew Starks. More recently the company has started to implement best practice in encouraging healthy lifestyles, which research suggests will reduce the burden of self-reported sickness absence. Although it is too early to say what the results have been, the company estimates that it will lead to a five per cent reduction in absence and a ten per cent reduction in cases of stress reported to Occupational Health. It estimat es that the return will be  £2 for every  £1 spent on the project. The Results Business outcome is usually quantified using performance Indicators (KPIs), an array of measures which come under the headings of cashflow, customer, people, risk and compliance, profit, and shareholder. Absence, employee turnover, and performance remain key human resource measurements that are closely linked to the people indicator. But other variables that are factored include elements drawn from an employee survey and from the Organisation Cultural Index (OCI), a characterisation of a companys culture. Honest dialogue, simplicity and people all close to the companys desired brand values are consistently the highest scoring values, suggesting the aim of developing understanding of these among employees has been successful. Success s due to developments in its Learning, three-quarters of the people now understand how they can access learning and development opportunities and 88 per cent feel personably accountable for their own development. The vast majority of people 98 per cent have also used Learning Space the online learning management system. A group of initiatives has also delivered benefits. Self assessment by managers revealed that the number now rating their knowledge as ‘good has increased from 48 per cent to 92 per cent. Meanwhile an internal audit gave a positive evaluation of the performance review process with 88 per cent of people believing their review meetings to be open, honest and frank. Integrating communications with the strategy has proved an effective approach for Prudential. â€Å"There is now a greater connectivity with the strategy from the top and understanding of why things happen and the connections being made,† says Matthew. As a result one of the primary objectives which include, ensuring understanding of the 1,000 day plan among employees has been achieved. The ‘Living PRU survey found that the percentage of people who said they understood their role within the plan increased from 71 per cent in 2004 to 94 per cent the following year. External recognition has come on a number of levels for the company. Among a survey of 7,500 customers, 90 per cent of them said they were satisfied with the service provided. And on a business level, Prudential is also performing extremely well, posting a 33 per cent rise in pre-tax profits in 2005, well above market expectations. The one thousands day reform process come to an end in October 2005 having inspired a period of profound organisational change and improvement in business performance. One of the most dramatic changes came in June 2003, still the first year of the three year programme, when Prudential opened a $10 million customer service centre in Mumbai, Indias commercial capital. Champion Status To get success is a major endorsement of everything that the company tried to put in place. As Champions, Prudential intended to continue to build on its philosophy of sharing best practice. As well as being involved in forums, the company has worked alongside other organizations, including the Inland Revenue and the Department for Work and Pensions. It shares many of its activities through awards, articles, case studies and benchmarking forums. But, as a Champion the company looks forward to sharing its experience with other employers and showing how involving people in the business is the key to any organizations success. A human resource manager is involved in performance of the following tasks Planning He or she ensures that a firm has the right number and mix of people at the right times and places varying from long-range planning for large, stable companies to short-range crisis planning for thousands of small companies employing low-skilled and low-paid workers. (Haksever p217). In this case human resource, managers have to consider all of the laws that protect against discrimination and all of the requirements that employees must meet for the company. Effective planning by a human resource manager clearly brings accurate results that a company wants .in a case of staffing, understaffing result to result to the drop of the industries economies of scale and field of specialization, information, customers and the attained profits, while Overstaffing is extravagant and expensive, if continual, and it is costly to get rid of because of contemporary legislation in respect of joblessness payments, cons ultation and minimum periods of notice. Significantly, overstaffing reduces the competitive effectiveness of the business. An assessment of current and future needs of the organization has to be evaluated with present and future predicted resources when considering staffing. When proper steps are used in planning, it brings demand and supply into balance. The future demands of a company are influenced by the predictions of the personnel manager, who examine and adjust the simple delivery of the other managerial staff and also recruitments which depends on the following aspects The predictions of Sales and productivity Impact of technological change on job needs Difference in the competence, output, and suppleness of labor as a training result, job study, organizational alteration and new motivations. Renovation in employment performances by the involvement of subcontractors or organization staffs, hiving off tasks, buying in and substitution. Deviation, countering fresh legislation, for example payroll taxes, new health and safety requirements Adjustment in Government policies Logical staffing demands a plan for varying dates in the future which can then be compared with the crude supply schedules. The associations will then show what ladder must be taken to achieve a balance which involves the further preparation of such enrollment, training, or alteration in labor force operation as this will result to a balance in demand and supply (Claude Johannes 1999, p.115). Recruiting A human resource manager is involved in identifying people who could fill positions within the firm and then securing them as applicants. He has to plan a good job picture for the position and a specification of skills and abilities the candidate should have. A potential applicants list is developed from various sources, depending how the human resource manager decides to advertise the job opening. Managers obtain their recruits sources from internal and external sources. Advantages of internal recruiting The members of staff will not have to undergo basic teaching or learning all of the policies of the company. Disadvantages Inbreeding Results to seldom new ideas brought into the company. Jacuis (1975).An external source for recruiting brings into account the opposite of internal recruiting from outside the company. There are many forms of external recruiting. Some include employment agencies, advertising, Internet recruiting, and word of mouth. He is also involved in the recruitment of employees depending on: An examination of the work to be performed through carefully consideration of the errands to be carried out to establish their essentialities written into a career description so that the applicants know what physical and mental distinctiveness applicants must acquire, what traits and attitudes are attractive and what uniqueness are a certain disadvantage. Where substitution is to take effect, imperative questioning of the need to employ at all should be taken into consideration. Human resource managers have to search for recruitments in the following areas: 1.Domestic promotion 2.Careers advisors 3.Boards of university appointment 4.Unemployed agencies 5.Advertising Selecting Of Employees After applications have been confirmed, the human resource manager then begins the selection process basing on undoubtedly established criterion for performance of the job. The request form ought to be intended to discover the applicants skills and abilities for the job performance. The human resource managers choice reason could also be based on testing, interviews, references, and probationary periods of employment. (Simnett 1995, p.56). An effective selection is considered as buying an employee (the price being the wage or salary multiplied by probable years of service) hence the human resource manager has to carefully select to minimize and avoid in competencies in the company firms may involve external specialist consultants for selection of their employees Some small organizations exist to catch the attention of staff with high status from existing employers to the recruiting employer. Training and Development Training is an efficient method for altering an employees behavior to prepare the employee for a job or upgrade the employees performance on the job. Development involves the preparation of a person for broader responsibilities and higher-level positions within the company. Instruction and progress can differ from one firm to another, as well as by type or size of service organization. (Chaffee 1995, p. 46). Preparation in interviewing and in evaluating candidates is clearly crucial to good recruitment. For the most part the former consists of training interviewers how to draw out the interviewee and the latter how to rate the candidates. For consistency (and as a help to checking that) rating often consists of scoring candidates for experience, knowledge, physical/mental capabilities, intellectual levels, motivation, prospective potential, leadership abilities etc. (according to the needs of the post). Relevance of the normal curve of allocation to scoring g ets rid of freak judgments. Aims of Organization for Setting Reward System In Human Resource Management, the employee reward policy is intended to align employees with organizational strategy by providing incentives for employees to act in the firms interest and perform well over time. Anticipation theory carries a clear significance that workers must sense confident that their effort will affect the rewards they receive. Awareness of equity is therefore crucial in an employees judgment to remain and produce valuable work. Equity is a multidimensional construct, embracing external equity (the degree to which a firm pays employees the rate they would find in the external labor market), internal equity (the degree to which a firm differentiates pay between employees on the basis of performance in similar jobs), and individual equity (the degree to which employees are rewarded proportionately to their individual performance). For the reason that the varying strains of performance on human resources in high- velocity companies, perceptions of equity in its three forms may become confused, as job roles and job interdependence become more varied and flexible. Since employees would expect that as their job changes, so will their rewards, designing reward systems in high-velocity environments presents a major challenge to organizations. In high-velocity environments, a premium is placed on individuals who are able to operate in ambiguous circumstances and who are able to take advantage of loose job descriptions provided by their employers. Organizations in faster-moving surroundings are prepared to pay proportionally higher salaries to individuals who have such skills. We would expect, therefore, that emphasis on individually equitable rewards as a means of recruiting and retaining highly capable employees would be required (Farah 1991, p. 340). Employee Rewards Policy amended by the Human Resource Management can be classified under three broad headings: performance-contingent rewards, which explicitly reward through performance outputs; job-contingent rewards, where pay is contingent on job classification; and person-contingent rewards, in which pay is dependent on the competencies a person has (Dean Snell, 1993). Because both output orientation and job categorization may be complex to determine truthfully in high-velocity circumstances, the prospect of person-contingent rewards, which may encourage the values of learning, flexibility, and creativity, would seem to be best suited to fast-changing conditions. In addition, member of staff Reward Policy can be one of the best foundations of control available to a company in its quest to increase organizational performance and effectiveness, yet remain one of the most underutilized and potentially complex tools for driving organizational performance. The significance and diffi culty of connecting reward strategies to industrial goals in a systematic manner has been a recurrent argument in the study in this field, as has the importance and difficulty of linking rewards to the longer-term view (Hambrick Snow, 1989). In recounting the strongest stage of connection the stress has been placed on Lawlers (1990) description of reward processes which are capable of reinforcing the behaviors crucial to business strategy like long-term versus short-term, customer focus versus financial results. Utilizing This involves arranging the employees work to make them both productive and motivated. The factors that determine the effectiveness of human resource utilization include: 1.The structure of the work that provide an opportunity for â€Å"stretch† performance 2.Contribution in verdicts that have a straight forward effect on the persons job 3.Open interactions and fair setting up of assignments 4.Competent supervision and organizational flexibility 5.Economic and non-economic rewards that recognize achievement and equity 6.Opportunity for growth Role of Human Resource Management in Implementing a Learning Organization culture Human resource management has a strong impact on the organizational culture, it contributes a lot in implementing a learning organization because according to Senge, â€Å"the essence of a learning organization is that people are changing, people are developing w Developing a Learning Organizational Culture Developing a Learning Organizational Culture ABSTRACT Employees of an organization that has a mission of enhancing standards of excellence must have knowledge and skills that best suits their work. This then calls for continuous trainings of employees for an organization to better utilize the existing human resources. Training and Development is a major strategy to accomplish this objective. In this perspective there is need for flexibility which is required to respond effectively to the rapidly changing environment, Human Resource training efforts must enable the employees to perform multiple tasks in multiple roles while enhancing a good organizational learning culture. This paper therefore contributes to the debate by analyzing in detail the creation of a learning organizational culture We also examine the methodologies that enable us to show that even successful organizations do not always implement best practice Human Resource Management, and that there is frequently a discrepancy between intention and practice. conclusion at the individual and directorial levels are intricate and often contradictory; we question the extent to which it is possible or meaningful to attempt to measure the interrelationship between Human resources management, at the level of the formal system, and organizational performance, without taking into consideration the role played by the informal organization in the process and implementation of Human resources training. Introduction The human resource field takes a clear view of workers, supercilious that almost all wish to contribute to the enterprise productively, and that the main hindrance to their actions are lack of knowledge, insufficient training, and failures of process. Human resource management is seen as a more inventive aspect of workplace management other than the traditional approach. It results to the managers of an enterprise expressing their goals with specificity in order to be understood and undertaken by the workforce, providing the resources needed for them to successfully accomplish their assignments. As such, Human Resource management techniques, when properly practiced, are expressive of the goals and operating practices of the enterprise overall. Human Resource management is also seen by many to have a key role in continuous trainings of employees. The employees of an organization that has a mission of enhancing standards of excellence must have knowledge and skills that best suits there work. This then calls for continuous trainings of employees for an organization to better utilize the existing human resources. Training and development is a major strategy to accomplish this objective. In this perspective the flexibility required to respond effectively to the rapidly changing environment, Human Resource training efforts must enable the employees to perform multiple tasks in multiple roles (Adler 1997, p.13) Development and training The aim of the development function of human resources maintenance is to ensure that personnel are adequately trained to enable them to be capable to fulfil their goals, as well as to contribute to enhabnced performance and growth with their work . The development of employees can be regarded as a special field of human resource management that includes planned individual learning, education, organization development, career development and training. Training is an efficient method for altering an employees behavior to prepare the employee for a job or upgrade the employees performance on the job. Development involves the preparation of a person for broader responsibilities and higher-level positions within the company. Preparation and growth can fluctuate from one firm to another, as well as by type or size of service organization (Armstrong 1996, pp. 220 -221). To maximize training effectiveness, it is important to consider how employees learn most effectively. Culture as a factor has a strong impact on training practices in different parts of the world. For example, in the USA, where power distance is small, the interaction between the trainer and employees appears to be equal. The trainer and employees use first names, and the employees therefore feel free to challenge what the trainer says. In another country outside the USA like Malaysia, power distance is large, a trainer receives greater respect from the employee. The trained employees use his/ her surname and title, and he/ she is an expert that students rarely challenge. Defining a Learning Culture A learning tradition can be defined as an organization that knows how to learn, with people who freely share what they know and are willing to change based on the acquisition of new knowledge. Undoubtedly, one of the most significant rudiments of a learning culture are high quality, sound learning programs that are evaluated not only for their effectiveness but also for their potential for really making a difference. That kind of communal appraisal is a self-check on the worth of the program and whether its being endorsed and supported. Organizations that simply make public large catalogs of training courses without consulting their clients or assessing their unique needs exhibit more of a course culture — the more courses, the better — than a learning culture. Instructors that are content only to make public a large e-learning course catalog, and not much more, will be less likely too be seen as business problem-solvers (Galaghan, 1991, p. 43). An extra suggestion of a high-quality education society is higher-ranking management support — and Im not just talking about words, but long-term funding. For learning to hold base, senior executives must do extra than just endorse learning; they must embrace it and become users themselves. This will make them good role representation for the rest of the institute. Good learning traditions involve an savings in good learning depth and evaluation. Its serious to demonstrate that learning makes a variation and that its benefits are not simply conjecture. Some organizations that are just paying attention on plan and liberation tend to miss out on the front end (needs assessment) and the back end (evaluation), which are very culturally specific. Good learning traditions go out of classroom and out of the instructional mode to become involved in the workplace. If the staff gets two or three weeks of instruction a year, thats pretty good. But what is their responsibility for the remaining parts of the weeks? They didnt stop learning; theyre learning on the job. So the ease by which the workforce contacts information, form communities of performance, and use performance support to learn and improve their performance in the workplace is a sign of a good learning culture. An additional attribute of an education tradition is how well and how thoroughly we integrate front-line supervisors into our learning strategy. Do they commend whatsoever training the workers call for but not pay any attention to outcomes, or are they integrally involved in developing their people? Then theres the whole performance assessment and performance analysis scheme. To what degree is learning truly included and embroidered, and to what extent are employees encouraged in the review process to teach one another and share their knowledge? This is where it becomes very important to review not just whether the employee took the requisite number of hours or the requisite number of courses. That becomes very mechanical. Workers — above all managers — have to be weighed up on their coaching and support for learning. Executives must assume that liveliness comes in large part from learning and growing. They must actually consider about their own â€Å"knowledge measure† (their curiosity in, and capacity for, learning new things) and the learning quotient of their employees. Also, a learning society cannot give confidence to knowledge hoarding, but slightly knowledge sharing. If I know that Im going to be rated on the known, why would I share information with someone else — which would give them an advantage in the appraisal system, especially with companies that rate on a curve? If I come up with a brilliant idea and share it with everybody, I should get credit for sharing it, even though the idea then would not be to my exclusive benefit. The blueprint of a outcome evaluation scheme has to equal any kind of required rating and ranking with criteria that focuses on knowledge-sharing, learning and teamwork (Arthur 1994, p. 298). Creating a Learning Organization A learning organization can be described as one that is able to inspire commitment, and cultivate a culture of discovering and acquiring knowledge and experience for continued growth, development and success. The organizational learning process requires some relatively permanent change in behavior of its workers that results in continuous capability to adapt and change as the market, clients or environmental demands. To tackle these changes requires a strong commitment from management and often a significant shift in organization culture. One of the biggest challenges in moving toward the learning model is convincing and enabling employees to develop new ways of thinking about how things are smartly done. To be a learning organization also demands an open culture where information is shared, interdependence is high, collaboration is the norm, and achievement of the organization mission or vision is pursued with cooperation and open-mindedness ( Hofstede 1991, p. 304). A commitment to such a challenging level must offer tangible outcomes. The learning organization can also on the other hand have some distinct advantages, the most significant being the ability to respond to major change much more quickly than a more traditional organization. As well, learning organizations are more likely to embrace processes of systematic problem solving, and to focus on creating new ideas and solutions to optimize outcomes, versus the more traditional approach of trial and error or committing to approaches that have worked in the past. A typical learning organization will learn from past experiences and history, but utilize that experience to pursue more enlightened and future-directed outcomes. The plasticity and compliance intrinsic to a learning institution is determined by the rapid and efficient internal transfer of knowledge. The open culture and communication processes that are indicative of a learning organization are the enablers in this internal knowledg e transfer. Knowledge sharing encourages motivation and commitment from employees, by encouraging employee involvement in the process of creating and developing a learning culture, and by providing continuous constructive feedback ( Huselid 1995). The test for most associations is the shift from a long-established to a learning organization. How does one begin the practice of changing organization ethics, comprising organization acquaintances â€Å"unlearn† the old ways of doing things, and convincing them to embrace a culture that is committed to change, innovation and continuous improvement? The key is a well thought out strategy that is based on an in-depth understanding of the culture, values, market position, and knowledge base across the organization. For advanced organizations to successfully develop continuous learning, they should regard the Initial consultation within the senior leadership team to gain an accurate and detailed view of how the organization functions overall; structure, knowledge base, mission, goals, vision, culture and values, and; the rationale for becoming a learning organization. This information is necessary and invaluable when determining the requirement for and viability of a more detailed needs analysis (Stacey 1996, p. 64). The institutions should also take on a thoroughly need investigation through surveys, focus groups and key stakeholder interviews. It should also undertake a strategic planning and action by senior leaders based upon the in-depth needs analysis. Because contact is serious in organization expansion progression, it is therefore important to ensure all employees are aware of the process, and the targeted outcomes. It is essential to ensure that all employees understand the â€Å"learning organization† concept, the rationale and value, implications for employees, implementation process, and targeted outcomes. Through senior leaders, planning, organization and delivery of information workshops would facilitate provision of survey feedback, â€Å"educate† employees on the â€Å"learning organization† concept, solicit their ideas and concerns and achieve buy-in. An organization should establish a multi-dimensional management development program, which is essential for the successful implementation of a learning organization culture. The two major dimensions of the program would be: a formal management development process with a consulting focus, to prepare managers for their next promotion level, while strengthening performance in their current position and; a dynamic and substantive coaching program developed for each level of management. Both dimensions of the management development program would be aligned with organization mission, vision and goals, and would include a concerted focus on interpersonal skills development, in the learning organization milieu. An evaluation of developmental initiatives, and particularly the management development/coaching process, is necessary, to ensure that the â€Å"learning organization concept† is well entrenched within the organization (Triandis 1995, p. 39). Becoming a Learning Company The aptitude of a corporation to learn, not to be rigid, bright and responsive to sustain itself in the given environment is in the modern world being seen as the only way to manage a competitive advantage. Speculative images of the learning company thrive but there is little research focusing on companies who have actually applied the concepts and made them work. The following case study is concerned with describing a company which has attempted to become a learning organization. Prudential UK The Organization The Company started by giving loans and life insurance to people since 1848. Since then it has become a leading company, as measured by annual premium equivalent sales. Their service has also increased to include annuities, pensions, savings and investments. The company has offered financial services to many enterprises such as Jackson National Life, Prudential Corporation Asia and Egg. Prudential company is found in the United Kingdom, the United States and Asia and has employed over 20,000 people, 7,200 of whom are based in the UK and Mumbai. Globally Prudential Company has assets of 234 billion pounds on behalf of 19 million customers, to whom it promises, â€Å"In an uncertain world, we make it possible for everyone to enjoy a secure future†. The Challenge At the start of the decade the company had to accept a period of profound change to cater for the increasing demands of its highly-competitive and tightly-regulated market. In 2002 the companys leadership team learnt the way it would achieve this in a strategy called the ‘1,000 day plan, the cornerstone of which was best practice in all people policy and procedures. â€Å"We wanted to make sure that we involved our people to transform our business. To do this we harmonised our practices using the People Standard as our benchmark,† says Liane Collins, Human Resources and Learning and Development Operations Consultant. The plan was to provide success and the Standard helped the company to engage its people to succeed. By adopting Andra King from Capital Quality Limited as their external Adviser, the Prudentials aim was to maximise the potential of its people using a number of different tools such as continuous assessment and recognition. Using these tools the y wanted to continue to ensure that their people were at the heart of their business. A further difficulty was to ensure that its workers grasped and applied the brand values to everything they did. â€Å"We are focused to delivering the right services,† explains Liane. â€Å"We want our clients to know that we can be trusted, helpful and easy to deal with. Thats the experience we want them to have. Honest dialogue is the essence of what we believe in.† The Solution Among the first things to be done back at the outset of the 1,000 day plan in 2002 was to align learning materials with a Capability Framework, in which the company outlined the skills it needs to thrive. Since then understanding of the framework has leapt from under 40 per cent to over 90 per cent and there is noticeably more connectivity between company strategy and its people. Having established physical Learning Zones across its head offices in the first year of the plan, the second year saw the company bring learning to each desktop through an online learning management system called Learning Space. As well as providing a way to track learning achievements, it gives access to over 4,000 items of learning material. Nearly every employee has now actively used it, and so has helped put them in control of their own learning and development. At the same time highest achievers were offered access to the Pru University programme, an internal institution designed to develop a group of key managers and specialists committed to achieving our business goals. This concept was extended the following year to an Alumni scheme, allowing those who studied together to work and develop together. A talent management process was also introduced to ensure leaders are properly assessed. â€Å"The Pru University is aimed at influential people, ambassadors and drivers of change, irrespective of grade, who can contribute to the development of the organisation and make a real difference to the business,† says Head of Learning and Development Matthew Starks. More recently the company has started to implement best practice in encouraging healthy lifestyles, which research suggests will reduce the burden of self-reported sickness absence. Although it is too early to say what the results have been, the company estimates that it will lead to a five per cent reduction in absence and a ten per cent reduction in cases of stress reported to Occupational Health. It estimat es that the return will be  £2 for every  £1 spent on the project. The Results Business outcome is usually quantified using performance Indicators (KPIs), an array of measures which come under the headings of cashflow, customer, people, risk and compliance, profit, and shareholder. Absence, employee turnover, and performance remain key human resource measurements that are closely linked to the people indicator. But other variables that are factored include elements drawn from an employee survey and from the Organisation Cultural Index (OCI), a characterisation of a companys culture. Honest dialogue, simplicity and people all close to the companys desired brand values are consistently the highest scoring values, suggesting the aim of developing understanding of these among employees has been successful. Success s due to developments in its Learning, three-quarters of the people now understand how they can access learning and development opportunities and 88 per cent feel personably accountable for their own development. The vast majority of people 98 per cent have also used Learning Space the online learning management system. A group of initiatives has also delivered benefits. Self assessment by managers revealed that the number now rating their knowledge as ‘good has increased from 48 per cent to 92 per cent. Meanwhile an internal audit gave a positive evaluation of the performance review process with 88 per cent of people believing their review meetings to be open, honest and frank. Integrating communications with the strategy has proved an effective approach for Prudential. â€Å"There is now a greater connectivity with the strategy from the top and understanding of why things happen and the connections being made,† says Matthew. As a result one of the primary objectives which include, ensuring understanding of the 1,000 day plan among employees has been achieved. The ‘Living PRU survey found that the percentage of people who said they understood their role within the plan increased from 71 per cent in 2004 to 94 per cent the following year. External recognition has come on a number of levels for the company. Among a survey of 7,500 customers, 90 per cent of them said they were satisfied with the service provided. And on a business level, Prudential is also performing extremely well, posting a 33 per cent rise in pre-tax profits in 2005, well above market expectations. The one thousands day reform process come to an end in October 2005 having inspired a period of profound organisational change and improvement in business performance. One of the most dramatic changes came in June 2003, still the first year of the three year programme, when Prudential opened a $10 million customer service centre in Mumbai, Indias commercial capital. Champion Status To get success is a major endorsement of everything that the company tried to put in place. As Champions, Prudential intended to continue to build on its philosophy of sharing best practice. As well as being involved in forums, the company has worked alongside other organizations, including the Inland Revenue and the Department for Work and Pensions. It shares many of its activities through awards, articles, case studies and benchmarking forums. But, as a Champion the company looks forward to sharing its experience with other employers and showing how involving people in the business is the key to any organizations success. A human resource manager is involved in performance of the following tasks Planning He or she ensures that a firm has the right number and mix of people at the right times and places varying from long-range planning for large, stable companies to short-range crisis planning for thousands of small companies employing low-skilled and low-paid workers. (Haksever p217). In this case human resource, managers have to consider all of the laws that protect against discrimination and all of the requirements that employees must meet for the company. Effective planning by a human resource manager clearly brings accurate results that a company wants .in a case of staffing, understaffing result to result to the drop of the industries economies of scale and field of specialization, information, customers and the attained profits, while Overstaffing is extravagant and expensive, if continual, and it is costly to get rid of because of contemporary legislation in respect of joblessness payments, cons ultation and minimum periods of notice. Significantly, overstaffing reduces the competitive effectiveness of the business. An assessment of current and future needs of the organization has to be evaluated with present and future predicted resources when considering staffing. When proper steps are used in planning, it brings demand and supply into balance. The future demands of a company are influenced by the predictions of the personnel manager, who examine and adjust the simple delivery of the other managerial staff and also recruitments which depends on the following aspects The predictions of Sales and productivity Impact of technological change on job needs Difference in the competence, output, and suppleness of labor as a training result, job study, organizational alteration and new motivations. Renovation in employment performances by the involvement of subcontractors or organization staffs, hiving off tasks, buying in and substitution. Deviation, countering fresh legislation, for example payroll taxes, new health and safety requirements Adjustment in Government policies Logical staffing demands a plan for varying dates in the future which can then be compared with the crude supply schedules. The associations will then show what ladder must be taken to achieve a balance which involves the further preparation of such enrollment, training, or alteration in labor force operation as this will result to a balance in demand and supply (Claude Johannes 1999, p.115). Recruiting A human resource manager is involved in identifying people who could fill positions within the firm and then securing them as applicants. He has to plan a good job picture for the position and a specification of skills and abilities the candidate should have. A potential applicants list is developed from various sources, depending how the human resource manager decides to advertise the job opening. Managers obtain their recruits sources from internal and external sources. Advantages of internal recruiting The members of staff will not have to undergo basic teaching or learning all of the policies of the company. Disadvantages Inbreeding Results to seldom new ideas brought into the company. Jacuis (1975).An external source for recruiting brings into account the opposite of internal recruiting from outside the company. There are many forms of external recruiting. Some include employment agencies, advertising, Internet recruiting, and word of mouth. He is also involved in the recruitment of employees depending on: An examination of the work to be performed through carefully consideration of the errands to be carried out to establish their essentialities written into a career description so that the applicants know what physical and mental distinctiveness applicants must acquire, what traits and attitudes are attractive and what uniqueness are a certain disadvantage. Where substitution is to take effect, imperative questioning of the need to employ at all should be taken into consideration. Human resource managers have to search for recruitments in the following areas: 1.Domestic promotion 2.Careers advisors 3.Boards of university appointment 4.Unemployed agencies 5.Advertising Selecting Of Employees After applications have been confirmed, the human resource manager then begins the selection process basing on undoubtedly established criterion for performance of the job. The request form ought to be intended to discover the applicants skills and abilities for the job performance. The human resource managers choice reason could also be based on testing, interviews, references, and probationary periods of employment. (Simnett 1995, p.56). An effective selection is considered as buying an employee (the price being the wage or salary multiplied by probable years of service) hence the human resource manager has to carefully select to minimize and avoid in competencies in the company firms may involve external specialist consultants for selection of their employees Some small organizations exist to catch the attention of staff with high status from existing employers to the recruiting employer. Training and Development Training is an efficient method for altering an employees behavior to prepare the employee for a job or upgrade the employees performance on the job. Development involves the preparation of a person for broader responsibilities and higher-level positions within the company. Instruction and progress can differ from one firm to another, as well as by type or size of service organization. (Chaffee 1995, p. 46). Preparation in interviewing and in evaluating candidates is clearly crucial to good recruitment. For the most part the former consists of training interviewers how to draw out the interviewee and the latter how to rate the candidates. For consistency (and as a help to checking that) rating often consists of scoring candidates for experience, knowledge, physical/mental capabilities, intellectual levels, motivation, prospective potential, leadership abilities etc. (according to the needs of the post). Relevance of the normal curve of allocation to scoring g ets rid of freak judgments. Aims of Organization for Setting Reward System In Human Resource Management, the employee reward policy is intended to align employees with organizational strategy by providing incentives for employees to act in the firms interest and perform well over time. Anticipation theory carries a clear significance that workers must sense confident that their effort will affect the rewards they receive. Awareness of equity is therefore crucial in an employees judgment to remain and produce valuable work. Equity is a multidimensional construct, embracing external equity (the degree to which a firm pays employees the rate they would find in the external labor market), internal equity (the degree to which a firm differentiates pay between employees on the basis of performance in similar jobs), and individual equity (the degree to which employees are rewarded proportionately to their individual performance). For the reason that the varying strains of performance on human resources in high- velocity companies, perceptions of equity in its three forms may become confused, as job roles and job interdependence become more varied and flexible. Since employees would expect that as their job changes, so will their rewards, designing reward systems in high-velocity environments presents a major challenge to organizations. In high-velocity environments, a premium is placed on individuals who are able to operate in ambiguous circumstances and who are able to take advantage of loose job descriptions provided by their employers. Organizations in faster-moving surroundings are prepared to pay proportionally higher salaries to individuals who have such skills. We would expect, therefore, that emphasis on individually equitable rewards as a means of recruiting and retaining highly capable employees would be required (Farah 1991, p. 340). Employee Rewards Policy amended by the Human Resource Management can be classified under three broad headings: performance-contingent rewards, which explicitly reward through performance outputs; job-contingent rewards, where pay is contingent on job classification; and person-contingent rewards, in which pay is dependent on the competencies a person has (Dean Snell, 1993). Because both output orientation and job categorization may be complex to determine truthfully in high-velocity circumstances, the prospect of person-contingent rewards, which may encourage the values of learning, flexibility, and creativity, would seem to be best suited to fast-changing conditions. In addition, member of staff Reward Policy can be one of the best foundations of control available to a company in its quest to increase organizational performance and effectiveness, yet remain one of the most underutilized and potentially complex tools for driving organizational performance. The significance and diffi culty of connecting reward strategies to industrial goals in a systematic manner has been a recurrent argument in the study in this field, as has the importance and difficulty of linking rewards to the longer-term view (Hambrick Snow, 1989). In recounting the strongest stage of connection the stress has been placed on Lawlers (1990) description of reward processes which are capable of reinforcing the behaviors crucial to business strategy like long-term versus short-term, customer focus versus financial results. Utilizing This involves arranging the employees work to make them both productive and motivated. The factors that determine the effectiveness of human resource utilization include: 1.The structure of the work that provide an opportunity for â€Å"stretch† performance 2.Contribution in verdicts that have a straight forward effect on the persons job 3.Open interactions and fair setting up of assignments 4.Competent supervision and organizational flexibility 5.Economic and non-economic rewards that recognize achievement and equity 6.Opportunity for growth Role of Human Resource Management in Implementing a Learning Organization culture Human resource management has a strong impact on the organizational culture, it contributes a lot in implementing a learning organization because according to Senge, â€Å"the essence of a learning organization is that people are changing, people are developing w